"Sunshine, Noodles and Me" is a documentary about the journey of a woman who discovers she has breast cancer just three days before her wedding. Blessed, bald, and beautiful, Cheryl Ash-Simpson shares her heartwarming story, giving an honest portrayal of her battle with breast cancer and her determination to beat the disease. With the love and support of her fiancé, Cheryl shows you that you can get through adversity, especially if you're armed with love.
Awards: First Place Winner at The Capital City Black Film Festival, Bronze Winner at the Kingdomwood Christian Film Festival, Official Selection at Greater Cleveland Urban Black Film Festival, Official Selection at the Greater Cleveland Urban Black Film Festival, and Official Selection at the Pan African Film Festival.
IMDB: Sunshine, Noodles and Me
Facebook: Sunshine Noodles and Me
Twitter: @sunnoodlesandme
Instagram: @sunshinenoodlesandme